Wednesday, February 17, 2021




We come from different backgrounds,
with a variety of reasons,
we’ve learned the values of street sense,
especially in colder seasons.

There are no fluffy illusions,
when you’re sleeping on the street,
survival becomes an instinct,
from the reaper you want to cheat.

Society frowns upon us,
even though we were once the same,
for us survival is basic,
in this corporal mortal game.

Lessons grim, learnt on the streets,
so arduous hard and painful,
but understanding savoir faire,
will save you from those disdainful.

It’s safer if you find your tribe,
intuition should serve as guide,
for someone known will have your back,
when living on the edge outside.

We’re better able to handle it,
once we’ve been here for awhile,
but those without life’s pegging stick,
survival becomes a trial.
By: The Activist Poet

About this Poem: As the economic system collapses, greed and inflation have struck community like an explosion. Housing is no longer affordable for tens of millions of people throughout North America and Europe which are claimed to be first world countries. Houses are not affordable to the majority while rentals more and more have been taken over by for profit corporations with requirements to wall street. Rents have skyrocketed more than the average wage earned. There are millions of homeless people on the streets while millions more are heading in the same direction as the economic collapse intensifies…it will not end well for many, as the western world heads for third world status…the private banks, Wall Street, corporate interests and your governments are responsible for it, not an invisible flu virus. COVID lockdowns are the last phase of economic destruction by an out-of-control greedy cartel of wealthy corporate banking families. Depopulation is also a big part of their class warfare agenda which should be clear to many by now…

The economic system has been collapsing since the 1970’s but accelerated in 2008 after the housing bubble burst and exposed the fraud and corrupt nature of the banking system. Today we are in the final stages of their corruption while sitting dangerously on the cusp of total economic collapse and it wont change direction any time soon. Not until we change the way money works and who controls that direction. Being destitute, homeless and hungry are not the signs of a caring governance. If you have never experienced poverty, then living on the streets will be very hard for you.

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