Saturday, April 1, 2023

Cycles and Rhythms

Cycles and Rhythms

Cycles and rhythms begin from one’s birth
with the gifting of life on planet earth
cycles that stage with the moon and the sun
regardless of time or where we come from.

A patterned series that brings lows and highs
from beginning of life to the day we die
we’re a rhythmic heartbeat that grows and learns
sinusoidal wave forms with peaks and turns.

Awareness, intuition, essence, strength
emotion, intellect all have a length
timing is different but sometimes converge
and through these patterns our cycles emerge.

The patterns of life, in the things we do
repeat in numbers to make it all true
it might be sports or multiple careers
cycles have stages and a length in years.

Those years are your numbers, special in you
revealed in birthdates or nemesis too
all can be measured, put on a scale
every victory or when you fail.

Think of achievements, your get up and go
days when your energy is high or low
as emotional stages rise and fall
our biorhythms can address it all.

One’s basic emotions, strengths and needs
are better dealt with when positive leads
and once you’ve mastered the timing of peaks
apply a set of strategic techniques.

Cycles and rhythms in emotional flow
with peaks and valleys that help us to grow
your spark is electric from heart to mind
bring interesting moments when all are aligned.

About this Poem: The theory of biorhythm starts from the fact that since birth, man, or more precisely, his emotional, physical and intellectual abilities pass through favorable, unfavorable and critical moments. One easy way to understand or recognize the biorhythm is when you notice there are days when you feel good with no apparent reason.

Biorhythms describe energy levels and the capacity for performance on 3 Primary levels: physical, emotional and intellectual.

The emotional biorhythm governs the nervous system and lasts for 28 days. The same length as the Moon's cycle. It relates to one’s emotional stability or stress level which influences our emotional states, affecting love/hate, optimism/pessimism, passion/coldness, depression/elation.

The intellectual biorhythm lasts for 33 days and relates to one’s mental capabilities, creativity, and aptitude to solve problems. The cycle influences our memory, alertness, speed of learning, reasoning ability and accuracy of computation.

The physical biorhythm lasts for 23 days and is related to your physical energy, strength, health, stamina.

The cycle effects the physical aspect of the body and encompasses one’s energy level, resistance, and ones overall physical strength and endurance. The cycle influences physical factors such as eye-hand coordination, strength, endurance, and resistance to disease. During the negative half of cycle, you are likely to have less energy and less vitality.

There are 4 Secondary Bio-rhythms that can also measured in cycles: Spiritual (53 days), Awareness (48 days), Aesthetic (43 days), Intuition (38 days)

Biorhythms are calculated using simple math and graphing the data over a cycle of time

To know and understand your biorhythms is to be one step up as to when making important decisions.

Here is a link to a Bio-rhythm calculator. Try it and see for yourself

To calculate, enter your date of birth and today's date (or the date for which you want to see the biorhythm diagram) and then click calculate

Definition: Sinusoidal is a word used to describe the mathematical wave form or pattern of the sine wave. It can also be used to describe blood flow to the body’s organs or in AC electronics where one cycle begins at zero, peaks to a maximum positive point, descends towards the zero, then to the maximum negative point and back to the zero point. The form is based on a unit of time where 1/Time = frequency and is applicable to everything including the many different cycles within our star.

Solar Cycle

An example of a sine wave depicting the human audio spectrum (20 Hz to 20 KHz)

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