What becomes of humanity?
…When the planning for war takes precedence over the caring of
our children…
Where are human values?
…When it is more important to save a corporation from
bankruptcy than it is to save a community from corporate greed…
What becomes of the human soul?
…When authoritarian conditioning replaces empathic reasoning,
moral principals and common sense…
Where lays humanity’s future?
…When we surrender our spiritual being to the voracious
animal that lies within…
The Activist Poet
About this Expression:
Today people have been conditioned to accept the words and
position of their authority figures instead of moral principals and common
sense. Mankind has been enslaved by a sociopathic few. Yet it is entirely humanities
fault for allowing the atrocities that have befallen the world to happen…because
we have freely given our power and our trust to a soulless private banking and corporate
meme who’s sole objective is to seek profit for themselves by whatever means
The corporate beast does not follow moral guidelines. It’s
focused on only one thing, their bottom line. Decisions are made based on
economics as corporations do not adhere to any moral principals…Its sole
objective is profit, and the driver of it, is greed…
Once, there was a time when our communities were protected
from predators. Our own human commitments to each other through organization
and strength were based on a code of ethics and moral standing which was applied
by common sense and empathy. These were the ruling guidelines that bonded all
of us.
The natural laws given to us by our existence belong to all…and
so our existence is due to the strength of our community. These facts are what
allowed us to survive a millennium of constant upheaval.
Yet now in the age of corporate control, people who practice
a return to the moral values of giving and sharing with each other, have been outlawed
by the sociopathic few who control society with a corporate iron fist. They are
monsters who write history in their ugly image while hypnotizing the masses
with greedy illusions…
If humanity wakes up, it just might be too late as we are
now facing our own extinction…