Friday, December 29, 2017

Minds of the Fallen

Minds of the Fallen

Programmed in schools are the hungry little sheep,
who grow up believing the stories they keep.
and as they get older the stories embed,
to become the foundation within their head.

Professors of rule then ask their opinion,
a backwards exam to conform the minion.
with the program in place each question a notch,
the answers displayed on the channels they watch.

Predictions requested of the most engaged,
believers in stories from the T.V. age.
magnetic ink maintains their mirror of words,
providing them answers and place in the herd.

Blind to morality and the light within,
they embrace propositions that lead to sin,
empowered by ego and commercial trends,
principals and virtues are the rules they bend.

That’s how the establishment controls the mind,
gets you to believe in their psychotic crime.
fabrication, lies, deception and deceit,
controlled by the few called the power elite.

They keep the masses busy, hungry and poor,
then sell them a bottle of spirits and war.
all packaged nicely on their network T.V.
an illusion of life by insanity.

For the wheel of industry, minds are prepared,
the beast and the monster that drives forth impaired.
your station depends on belief in the lies,
the more you believe the bigger the prize.

and at life’s end, when you’re lying in a room,
recounting moments that the wheel consumed,
you see the illusion, the part that you played,
the waste of a life in the time you engaged.

About this Poem: The economic system in which we live does not serve the majority of humanity but a very small minority of people. It is a rigged system to make the masses subservient while a powerful few sit at the top consolidating power and economics through carefully drafted legislation made over the past 300 years. We are all programmed from the moment we are born to the moment we die. Our life is programmed to serve the system.

Indoctrination begins at a young age through a dumbed down education system, television programming, commercials, and a distorted history which is not allowed to be questioned. People work their entire lives feeding this system and then die never understanding their purpose in life or what the gift of life is…

The system, or “wheel” that we feed, destroys life. It does not benefit anyone with the exception of a very small group of parasitic thieves…it has to change or we will destroy life on this planet…

Prediction? make a prediction of what is to come in the year ahead, depends upon one weeding out all the trash, noise and lies flooding the mind by a system out of control…connecting the dots to see the trends requires one to research what they see and hear instead of accepting as fact the information they are told…unfortunately, the truth is not accepted by a greedy society, for most people anyways, because they have been programmed with garbage from a very early age. Today, most people accept what they are told as fact because a narrative was programmed within them at a very young age…

However, there are people who have woken up and are seeing clearly what is really going on in the world but their voices are being silenced by those that control the wheel of Industry and government halls. Free speech has been under attack for a very long time but recently has accelerated to a crisis point.

So rather than going into all the loose ends of geopolitics, economics and war, I decided to shine a little light in a very dark corner and do it generally…and so, I will predict one thing and I can guarantee it…that if we meet here again next year, nothing will have changed. The wheel of Industry and war will continue to consume life and no one will stand up to stop it…Because it doesn’t matter who is in power, weapons will be sold and many of them will be used by sociopaths in client nations to get what they want. Corporations will get bigger through consolidation, acquisition and hostile take overs and fall into fewer hands…the wheel of industry will impoverish millions more and the illusion of democracy will continue to be funded by deep pockets…i.e.: control of all parties by those with the largest shares of the pie…

Monday, November 13, 2017

Just Another Day

Just Another Day

A soulless stare with demons’ eyes,
counts his money with surly wry.

A coin for lodging, a coin for sleep,
a coin for water n’ wine to keep.

Now rest away your weary head,
a good night’s sleep on cardboard bed.

Clock is ticking, conserve your strength,
tomorrows work, three coins for length.

Eyes wide shut while time does fade,
to dungeons dark were walls decay.

Screams and sirens pierce the night,
fouling dreams till mornings light.

And then awake, the roomers call,
it’s check out time, beside the mall.

Face unshaven, clothes all haggard,
direction plain, walk is staggered.

Hunger bites its morning blues,
now coming down from the booze.

A soulless stare with empty eyes,
arrives at work, disorganized.

The day is long, three coins are paid,
now journey’s back, to where he stayed.

A soulless stare with demons’ eyes,
counts his money, with surly wry.

A coin for lodging, a coin for sleep,
a coin for water n’ wine to keep.

About this Poem: 

Society lives in a prefab illusion where people are willing captives in bondage to an economic system that is no better than slavery. The painful truth of a corporate programmed society…

One of the escapes chosen by people is alcohol which carries a demon inside. All too often its use becomes a routine that slowly steals the health and mind of its victim. Apathy towards societal change is all too common due to its creeping theft of will power and memory, which is why this industry is controlled by the criminal establishment.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day of long ago,
temper these aging eyes,
essence gone, that comes to life,
in grey November skies.

Silhouettes moving slowly,
parade my inner thoughts,
with Bayonets at ready,
their emotions tied in knots.

The trenches filled with soldiers,
waiting for bombs to stop,
in search for some damned reason,
to charge over the top.

Reliving moments gone,
life passes before their sight,
apologies made for wrongs,
with wishes to make them right.

And then the truth comes knocking,
it rears its ugly head,
and paints astonished faces,
on all the soldiers’ dead.

Bloody mud and empathy,
where lay the soldiers dreams,
are children lost forever,
to sick psychotic memes.

Lifeless now their bodies lay,
their spirits carry on,
all lost amongst the shadows,
of the millions who were wronged.

The people bought a story,
sons and brothers sent to die,
in someone else’s homeland,
the reasons just a lie.

Generals take their orders,
from economic forums,
receive another medal,
adding to decorum.

Final letters make it home,
all written months before,
carried to the grieving,
by a knock upon the door.

With promise to remember,
a day is set aside,
but hidden, is the reason,
for why it is they died.

Today I do remember,
who’s lives for me were given,
but the bastards who sent them there,
will never be forgiven.
BY: The Activist Poet

Sunday, June 4, 2017



Sanctuary awaits weary travelers on forest roads,
where natures energy rains down on tattered souls,
to wash away the crippling pain inflicted by mechanical cities.

Steel bars fade from sight and open eyes,
while muscles drift with each relaxing breath,
confusion dissipates in the gentle breeze…

Awareness mingles with enlightenment,
and expands with excitement across fields of light,
where angelic beacons guide our essence through onyx clusters,
to take us home.

Home to the glittering fountain of light that gave birth to our existence, we but magnetic ink flickering before the god of consciousness are absorbed in radiance and made whole again with promise of return.
2nd Draft - June 06, 2017

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Last War is upon us…

The Last War is upon us…

Malevolent shadows consume the land like a swarm of locusts; a plague of darkness cast by the diseased umbral meme of death across the world with it’s cold, dark, festering pit of bulimic greed. It descends on mankind with ravenous appetite, unleashed by hell to destroy all moral value. It is a scourge that consumes all souls in its voracious gluttony, perverse fire, and sadistic hatred…poison spread through the pestilent veins of media, military and government to seize the thoughts of consciousness…time has collapsed into a nightmare, as blood soaked lands smoulder in fear, fire and smoke. 

Chains, cast in chains for consumption, the cradle of history is marked for death by the Satanic beast…the eternal city is under attack and calls to all in defence…the last war is upon us…

Battles rage on every field, in every market, and every home, defended by a cavalry of independence, shining light in forbidden places to open eyes and minds…

Victories are celebrated by the heroes of morality, yet war expands through the evil twisted alliances that shape-shift and ooze into monsters molded by the kingdoms of blasphemy. Malignant armies of the wickedly perverse evolve and expand across the sands of time…old war is over, new wars begin, and the cabal of coin and Industry smile and laugh in demonic avidity.

What will it take to change our course?!...a death to the root of all evil…the beast that is called money…

Monday, May 1, 2017



Words are lost in a sea of voices, as we all become fractal albino’s in chatrooms filled with the hearing impaired…

…the sign of the times…

About this Expression: It seems that many people on social media are talking at each other with political opinions that they believe are unassailable, yet at the same time, they become deaf when someone else presents an inconvenient truth that threatens to shatter their illusions...when we all just talk at each other with a closed mind, we become disconnected in a crowded house...Remember that not everyone is on the same page when it comes to understanding the bigger picture...keep your mind open when conversing with others, because sometimes we might not have all the facts and they just might have something important to say...

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Dancing with Memories

Dancing with Memories

My favorite song is playing again,
a music that shifts back years,
to faces and places that bring me home,
to the days we had no fears.

I travel back to be with you,
by lyrics of alluring tether
evenings filled with American Pie,
in the days we lived forever.

There was nothing then, we couldn’t do,
when all of us got together,
the world at large our modeling clay,
was ours to mold and weather.

Those roads, exciting, we traveled far,
our energy fast and strong,
those are the days, I remember well,
that come back to me in song.

Thoughts a brim with wine and roses,
eternal promises meant to keep,
the times of smiling faces,
and youthful days without defeat.

I see you there, shining bright,
defying time to end,
old memories made I embrace,
when this song plays once again
About this Poem: Music is a most giving experience that also has the power to transcend time. Songs can take us on a trip as if we just stepped into a conscious time machine where we go back to moments long ago to see faces and places while feeling the ambience of the time…moments that seem like yesterday.

Don McLean – American Pie

Tuesday, February 28, 2017



What becomes of humanity?

…When the planning for war takes precedence over the caring of our children…

Where are human values?

…When it is more important to save a corporation from bankruptcy than it is to save a community from corporate greed…

What becomes of the human soul?

…When authoritarian conditioning replaces empathic reasoning, moral principals and common sense…

Where lays humanity’s future?

…When we surrender our spiritual being to the voracious animal that lies within…
The Activist Poet
About this Expression:

Today people have been conditioned to accept the words and position of their authority figures instead of moral principals and common sense. Mankind has been enslaved by a sociopathic few. Yet it is entirely humanities fault for allowing the atrocities that have befallen the world to happen…because we have freely given our power and our trust to a soulless private banking and corporate meme who’s sole objective is to seek profit for themselves by whatever means necessary.

The corporate beast does not follow moral guidelines. It’s focused on only one thing, their bottom line. Decisions are made based on economics as corporations do not adhere to any moral principals…Its sole objective is profit, and the driver of it, is greed…

Once, there was a time when our communities were protected from predators. Our own human commitments to each other through organization and strength were based on a code of ethics and moral standing which was applied by common sense and empathy. These were the ruling guidelines that bonded all of us.

The natural laws given to us by our existence belong to all…and so our existence is due to the strength of our community. These facts are what allowed us to survive a millennium of constant upheaval.

Yet now in the age of corporate control, people who practice a return to the moral values of giving and sharing with each other, have been outlawed by the sociopathic few who control society with a corporate iron fist. They are monsters who write history in their ugly image while hypnotizing the masses with greedy illusions…

If humanity wakes up, it just might be too late as we are now facing our own extinction…

Monday, January 23, 2017

The Dancing Light

The Dancing Light

Grey skies shade my thoughts with sorrows,
my essence a prisoner of sadness,
hope uplifts all my tomorrows,
but realities drive me to madness.

A glow illuminates over the bog,
gracefully waltzing out of reach,
it’s shadows shiver in the fog,
with lessons destined to teach.

The road ahead lingers fright,
my path revealed in dreams,
and when awakened by chill of night,
the light shines down in beams.

I race to capture understanding,
cumbrous weight denying me,
yet the light ahead begins expanding,
and reveals the truth to me.

About this Poem: "The Dancing Light" was inspired by a Piano composition called "Les danses de la lumière" by Russian Composer Vadim Kiselev. Here below is his beautiful composition and the links to his wonderful music.

Vadim Kiselev LINKS:

Buy Music @ the Following Online Stores

New Book - The Shard of Asclepius

The Activist Poet

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