Saturday, December 27, 2014

Prophetic Tale

Creation brings the promise of hope, and silences the echoed halls of the Tyrant King.
While ancient formations descend in shadow and take root in our forgotten memories, to bring forth vision in melodic song. Voices from awakened minds, sing through the Minstrels Bale, and light up ten thousand souls, to begin the prophetic tale.

Prophetic Tale

In echoed halls of Tyrant Kings.
rumours swell, with prophetic things.

Empires crash, their greed at end,
no one left, who will defend.

Impressions recalled, in ancient rings,
take their root, in songs to sing.

Voices from awakened minds,
they serenade people, to remind.

Their ballads tell of long ago,
intoning unity, how life did flow.

Communities gathered planting seed.
connected together, they were freed.

Refusing calls of oppressive war,
shackled not, never, no more.

Rise now soldiers of global peace,
today’s the day, that all war’s cease.

Live without despotic division,
strive together, through empathic vision.

A new dawn rises, we shall not fail,
time to enact this prophetic tale.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Calling

The Calling

…The moment approaches when the last defenders of all that is good will rise to the call and unite against an Imperial collective that is usurped in darkness and shadow…rest assured that you are ready to fulfill the tasks you were imprinted with before your birth…life will go on, but great change is coming…do not blame those who did not awake, pity them, for they do not have the ability of vision nor clarity of mind to complete the difficult tasks that lay ahead…protect them and stay the course in truth, using your insight, common sense and empathy, for these qualities are your strength, and the foundation of what is to come...


Friday, October 24, 2014

Social Collapse

Social Collapse

In global arenas of thought and mind,
Moments and opinions, locked in a bind.
Comments get ugly, coarse and rind,
Humanity’s so empty, and hard to find.

Ego inflated leaders, on mountains looking down,
piling on the wounds, they burn us to the ground.
As the valleys fill with water, the lifeboats are all broken,
forbidden to speak of things, your masters have all spoken.

Neighbours that you thought you knew, have begun to point their fingers,
scared to death of the shadow men, and the fear that seems to linger.
I find myself alone at night, with pandemonium all around.
and then the door busts open, “freeze! Don’t make a sound!”

The neighbours gather outside your door, the SS dogs are barking,
you have a new identity, from all the Labels and markings.
Friends and family abandoned you, believing what they’re told,
never even investigating, the lies that they were sold.

They’ve trashed your house, ruined your life, and taken your computer,
then carry you out, guns a waving, leaving everything to the looters.
It seems the crimes committed, came from outside the box,
you’re not allowed to organize, think or allowed to talk.

Supremism fills the nation, on a witch-hunt they go,
their minds have all been taken, focused on imagined foe.
The rhetoric shifts to global change and total eradication,
whatever happened to society, and this mighty great nation?

It’s hard to understand the ignorance, it all becomes nightmarish,
when political's take your rights away, societies fall and perish.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Memories of You

Memories of You

In times of quiet reflection
my thoughts come back to you
I recall your smiling presence
the friend that I once knew.

How wonderful to see you
on stages played back then
and the rules we dared to challenge
all smiles in the end.

Here within those thoughts of time
those smiles still remain
that vibrant friendship in our youth
my friend you’re still the same.

And as my eyes do open now
I find your essence there
to fill me with our memories
recalling moments shared.

Our dreams together never fade
we never lost our way
I still hear the sounds of laughter
they never go away.

Longing for all the times we had
the places we did trend
recalling all those moments
I’m so glad you were my friend. 
Last Edit: 2020 October 31st

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Mirrors and Reflections

Mirrors and Reflections
The forest fills with Fireflies, and sends my mind afar,
While looking up, a familiar face is cast among the stars.

Memories fill my mortal gaze, as silent movies run,
Remembering smiles of happiness, and the warmth of a rising sun.

The sage is urging me forward now, our spirits are pulled away,
Time for memories tomorrow then, when my tasks have had their day.

Moving with what guides my life, in tidal energy flow,
The wave of light uplifts my soul, and directs me where to go.

Passing through the darkness, silver oceans cast their light,
Like conscious rivers flowing, impassioned, warm and bright.

Empathic thoughts projected, embrace the memories of you,
Together as one spirit, nothing else comes through.
My mind’s in deep reflection, as the universe begins,
It kindles a warming fire, from the light that’s fed within.
Thoughts evolve from inner light, and travel conscious plains,
The more I feed the torus, the brighter are its flames.
Spheres of thought and memory, all aligned in phase,
Filled with every moment, to express my mortal days.
Orbs of light and brilliance, circle around me so,
Like fireflies in heaven, they’re calling me to go.
Thought and light are merging now, my mind becomes so clear,
The consciousness that’s guiding me, has taken all my fear.
Mirrored are the heavens, reflecting all that’s true,
At last we are together, I’m finally back with you.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Return to Sanity

Return to Sanity

Returning the World to sanity rests on an appeal to the intellect of all moral abiding citizens the World over, but especially to the people of the West, where pointing out different historical perspectives and facts to what really happened 100 plus years ago, will instigate real Historical revision and correct the error-filled history books that were written by the victors of war.

Human Industrial Civilization has arrived at a crossroads where we must collectively evolve past the belief that “economic” control by the few is the only answer and way of life. We will either have a massive intellectual awakening and call to action, or there will be a continuation towards our total destruction. Currently, these choices have been left in the hands of insane and incompetent leaders who prefer to impose sanctions, austerity and war on the people of the World rather than collaborating on real solutions to build a better World for all.

If we choose apathy and continue down paths chosen for us by this economic cartel, we will assure our own collective destruction and suicide…the choice is yours…

Monday, August 11, 2014

Embrace the moments

Embrace the Moments

Embrace the moments that capture your essence and unites you with your surroundings, for indeed these astonishments connect you to a greater consciousness with a reminder that your short stay here on earth is just part of a much greater journey.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Raise Your Soul

Raise Your Soul

Investigation is a step to higher understanding
and the champion of conscious evolution.
Be not content on the unquestioned opinions enshrined by the fathoms of darkness.
For Ignorance enflamed, abounds in hatred
to fill mans heart with blindness and rage,
where shame is the one that chooses apathy with a diet of illusions
forsaking knowledge and truth.

Raise your soul in vision, empathy and love
to experience a growth in consciousness
ere your spirit stagnate, decay and die a thousand deaths.

Raise your soul…

The fall of mankind will come through his own greed and apathetic surrender to ignorance. Only through investigation, common sense and empathy will he obtain his salvation…

Monday, July 28, 2014

Rise Up


Rise Up
Rise up good people, rise to the call,
your foundations are strong and will not fall,
leave those behind that are blind with madness,
rise with your conscience, to end the sadness.

Rise and find what your purpose was for,
lift your resolve above those that wage war,
protect your family, heal all the wounds,
find your courage for the next phase comes soon.

Rise up good people, rise to the call,
your foundations are strong and will not fall,
the world around you, requires a mend,
it is up to you and yours to defend.

Rise good people, for this is your year,
mankind requires an answer to fear,
determination draws strength from within,
resolve for revolution to begin.

Rise good people in this winters frost,
we’re under siege, community is lost,
their covid war has now come for the young,
the war on community has begun.

Rise up good people, rise to the call,
your foundations are strong and will not fall,
lift your compassion, and use common sense,
clear the fog away that’s gathered so dense.

Rise good people, and open your eyes,
now is our chance before everyone dies,
in your heart is the purest of power,
please use it now, for this is your hour!

Revised Nov 14th, 2021

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Monotheistic Shadows

Monotheistic Shadows

A despairing mood descends on me, the shadows cast are long,
children’s cries from far away, they echo what is wrong.

What you’re told and how it is, are very different things,
there seems to be an agenda, paid words by established rings.

Hidden behind the curtain, money weaves its dirty trails,
filled with evil intentions, uncaring to cries and wails.

Vile acts, bloodthirsty minds, western hubris plays on and on,
human values are absent, and empathy is gone.

Criminal lands created, ruled by demon kings,
supporting terror minions, disguised as Arab Spring.

They target spirituality, lay siege on peace within,
then force their will on society, through misery, hate and sin.

The Satanic beast is strengthened, emerging from its castle,
receiving help from murder kings, it rejoices with its vassals.

In western lands of apathy, the people are in a daze,
the oceans burn with fire, the skies are in a haze.

Evil’s face is showing, in Tel Aviv and the west’s Riyadh,
NATO leaders bowing, to a system’s God that’s mad.

Feeding on community, enthralled by human fear,
the beast begins a massacre, doctrine is all you hear.

Vile marauders fill the ranks, of the Armageddon horde,
they trample down humanity with terrorist gun and sword.

Support by colluding nations, the leaders are all in bed,
a coven of Satan’s army, the streets have all turned red.

Food and wine corrupted, corporate prayers to demon Gods,
baptized in Khazar temples and ruled from the land of Gog.

Armageddon rides a horse, and brings with it confusion,
arise good people everywhere, break free from greed’s illusion.

Embrace empathic vision, the true spirit within us all,
together we can save the day, before mankind does fall.

Re-written March 14th, 2015, 

I originally wrote this poem while watching helplessly in horror as the western world and all its allies allowed Israel to continue their ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people through a 52 day bombing campaign from June to August 2014 that killed thousands of women, children and men…a holocaust by a satanic mentality that has become the status quo of western civilization…

As an empathic person with common sense that believes in equality, respect, peace and justice for all, I cannot stay silent while these atrocities continue…and thus my disgust and contempt of the Western governments come through in my writing…

If you’ve only watched mainstream TV to get your news then I offer you a different perspective by alternatives in the News play-lists and timelines below…

Palestine - News 2015
Palestine - News Archive (Jun 2013 to Dec 2014)
Palestine - News and Opinion (Archive - 2008 - 2013)

Syria - News 2015
Syria News Archive - (Aug 2013 to Dec 2014)
Syria - News Archive (2012 - 2013)
Syria News Archive - (2011 - 2012)

Ukraine - Fascist Coup & Civil War 2015
Ukraine - Coup & Civil War - (Archive - 2013-2014)

Friday, July 18, 2014

The ZION Beast

The ZION Beast

The creature stands in front of its lair engulfed in flames of rage proclaiming its war on mankind…Blindness surrounds the colourless souls that hear only the echoed voices of illusion…and like lemmings, they follow into sway, burning with the fires of madness.

Away in the distance, the cries of the besieged echo in streets now cast in darkness. Fires rage with crackling smoke, while the dead search for reason. Columns of greed and hate move in to crush the souls of children as the demons feed from their blood lust and cheer in delight from their mountain tops. The ZION Beast is revealed for all to see…and may God damn it back to hell!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Road Home

The Road Home

Adorned and Decorated by paintings of light from universal galleries of thought,
vision takes me beyond imposed barriers to my freedom and peace of mind.
Empathy illuminates the endless dimensions before me, and chases away the night, while my heart breathes the fragrance of the valley and my soul touches the sky.

Imprints of reflected vision birthed by love long ago,
reveals its mystery and weaves itself into understanding and happiness.
Here I leave my experience of tears and laughter to paint the last canvass of memories and say
“I love you!”

Friday, July 11, 2014

Only the Guilty

Only the Guilty
Only the guilty launch aggressive war
Their vile greed precedes them and still they want more.
They justify their lies from the bullets fired back.
They slaughter the innocent in vicious attacks.
Only the guilty usurp all the powers
And build themselves walls and towers.
Extended Paranoia, solidified in their crimes 
There is nothing they wont do to cross the line
Only the guilty create stories of propaganda
To hide behind their walls of hate and slander
Lying to the unaware they cover up what they’ve done
Then build more settlements on what they’ve won.
Only the guilty point fingers of false blame
Another weapon unleashed in their vitriolic game
They excuse their crimes with lies and revisions
They play the victim to justify their decisions
Only the guilty make laws to protect themselves
Seizing power and governance in a pact with hell
Always fearful, always couth,
They pass their bills to criminalize the truth
Only the guilty will excuse ethnic cleansing
To justify and wash away the laws they are bending
They extinguish the light and usher in darkness
They use their god to justify harshness
Only the guilty are blind to massive crimes
Egos of ignorance, a sickness in their minds 
They legalize torture and build more prisons
They demonize the vanquished and silence the visions
Only the guilty attack and form an alliance
Then brutalize their victims who stand in defiance
Hatred comes from their decaying minds
Death and damnation is all you’ll find
Be aware and heed this warning,
Damnation will come for the guilty one morning
Judgement waits it will take its time
But be assured real justice is not blind.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I Still Dream

I Still Dream

If dreams came true I would not be a failure at everything I do…
Yet still I dream,
Even though my eyes and ears are covered in labels by people that don’t believe in me…
I can still see…
I can still see the beauty in front of me…
Even though I endure the anguish of others,
the disappointment of mothers,
the condemnation of sisters and brothers,
I still see…
Even when I am laughed at by people immersed in systemic illusions fed by greed,
I still dream of a better world…
I still dream that one day there will be something I do that will blossom and grow…
I still dream,
I thought you should know...

Thursday, May 8, 2014

I am Home

“I Am Home” is a Poem that follows fractal consciousness from birth to death and the lifelong journey in between in the search for the meaning of life and existence.

I Am Home

Surrounding darkness wanes, birthing image, form and sight,
Deep the first breath sails, with eyes seeking for light.
Born from inner mind, consciousness becomes aware,
Holding bonds and imprints that form within the glare.

Journeys unfold from vastness, untouched by day or night,
Held by unseen powers with guidance to the light.
Beating hearts with purpose, engraved within the soul,
Forever seeking knowledge and all there is to know.

Chosen tasks and journey’s, emerging day to day,
Enticed by inner knowledge and the roles that they will play.
Encounters begin to flourish; insights start to gather,
Euphoric flares and polar thoughts, are all that seem to matter.

Cities of opposition, unmask their daunting maze,
Filled by Fractal beings, with different paths and ways.
Buildings of ego rise within, each fractal beings mind,
Disrupting spiritual currents, they become extremely blind.

Expressed in mortal lifetimes, fractals wander endless streets,
Some are held asunder, others filled with grief.
But rigid minds of ego, seek purpose to defend,
To prove their fractal journey, has meaning in the end.

Yet minds of merging circuitry, discards redundant thought,
Purpose seems much clearer, from the lessons they were taught.
Conflicts end and spirits rise, resistance is let go,
Fractal beings much wiser, give in now to the soul.

Living beings once captive, no longer live in tatters,
The truth they found in Oneness, is all that really matters.
Uplifting light descending now, pure with empathy,
The Myth does lift so gently, to reveal eternity...

I am Home!

Dedicated to Michael C. Ruppert, tracker of truth and Light worker.

This Poem was re-written (2020 Oct 12th,) and given a new title. "The Battle of Might and Soul"

Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Flickering Teardrop

A Flickering Teardrop
Gliding through space and time, evolving to her death
Moments and thoughts reflected, embraced by what is left.
Immoral civilizations, complacent with mounting greed
Bringing Earth’s apocalypse, while painted smiles lay siege.
Stacks of books lay dormant, a testament to what’s been done
In echoed halls of misery, where victor’s words are sung.
Read now the omissions, of morality and common sense
It lays in opposition, to the sociopaths offence.
Anvils of industry empowered, by empty political decrees
disrupting the natural course of things, that no one claims to see.
Oceans of fate devoid of life, now forever to unfold
Behold the paper forests, and the written words in gold.
TV watching programs, expressing hate and fear
Bowing down to the electric god, who’s painted as a seer.
Watch the sun declining, disgusted with all the hate,
Fractal units left alone to experience their mortal fate.
Ego inflated carrion, fly over what’s been said
Pursuing illusions of comfort, they no longer count the dead.
The setting sun goes down now, the tempest spins in haste
Reflections of a declining world, a flickering teardrop in space.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

They Come on Gusts of Wind

They Come on Gusts of Wind
It happens before every storm, the build up of emotion that peeks to an awareness that something more than a storm is coming. As the wind picks up, it brings with it an energy field that seems to bridge the spirit world and the living world into one consciousness.
The excited sounds of the birds outside confirm my feelings that I’m not the only one that feels the rise in emotion and energy. Alarm bells go off in my mind warning me that something is coming…I feel like I’m inside a dream not able to see what looms in front of me but I know its there…I feel it’s approach as the raised hair on my neck confirms.
The wind rolled in, howling down on the dwellings of confused inhabitants all around me. Dark clouds above moved in swiftly, battling in a tangled twilight with the suns rays revealing images in motion as if on plains long forgotten and in stories from long ago only rediscovered now as they announce their presence.
The clouds merged into landscapes and shadow images seen only in dreams as the wind carries something that moves unseen and silently into place. Formations held fast as the wind briefly dies to reveal consciousness peering down on the life below…and then just as quickly as it came, moved away, chased by something close behind.
There was an awareness in the air that seemed driven by confident madness…and yet it did not take notice of the scurrying figures below. The moment seemed fit for the beginning of a nightmare but in a waking moment, it is real…
In an instant, my mind is taken to confident thoughts and impressions found when consciousness takes hold in dreams. There are cycles of deja vu and all knowing flowing through my mind, thoughts of shadow and light. Something is there…I sense it, and it senses me…

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Destiny Awakened

Destiny Awakened
Imprints hidden internal, come forth from long ago
Reaching deep within you, your purpose starts to flow
Visions brightly glowing, illuminating paths ahead
The truth begins unfolding in stories to be read.
Empathic feelings inside you, relax your awakened mind,
Embrace the conscious spirit, and the truth that you will find.
The answers that you seek, will flow with insightful visions
Whispering when the time is right, for you to make decisions.
Trust in intuition, it will always see you through
Awaken to your destiny, forever guiding you.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Illness of Society

The Illness of Society  

The illness of society and the scurge of our planet are directly related to our fear of letting go of an illusion. May the New Year on the Gregorian Calendar, 2014, usher in the end of greed, power lust, and the global banking system…and may life on planet Earth rise like the Phoenix from the ashes in rebirth to the noble ancient ways of common sense and empathy.

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