Monday, December 31, 2012



Shining Light in Dark Places 02

Shining Light in Dark Places
State-ism is a mind set that has been created by the wealthy few who own all the land, control all the worlds currencies, and control all significant corporations through stock shares, including energy, banking, and military cartels. Nothing has changed in over 2000 years since the founding of the Roman Empire; with the exception that the senators and politicians are no longer the elites themselves but paid puppets that allow the powerful few to retain their anonymity…thing is, we know who they are today, and very soon everyone will know who they are as the people of the World rise up and cast them out…it would be extremely wise of them to recognize that the global population is awake, and that their significance will only be a stain in future history books if they do not change their insane direction now…

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Approaching Truth

Approaching Truth
We all have our individual Visions of the World Around us but we also share a common dream. The reality that we have placed ourselves into today has a huge parasite within it that is affecting individual aspirations of a better life and “Personal Growth”. The parasite is the establishment’s economic system, which affects the entire global population through systemic “Economic Growth”. This type of growth is a cancer to life in general and is not sustainable. The economic system will collapse, and only in this collapse will the opportunity to change our future emerge.
For the people of the World to change our reality, we must be able to communicate, share information and have a common dream…that time has arrived, the Internet has provided the communication and information. The common dream is to experience a life free from peril, free from the yoke of another and begin the road of individual and collective freedom to become the best we can be in what ever we put our minds to. But first we must permanently free ourselves from the prison within the mind that the economic system traps us in. That is when we win. Change is a transition and growth process that comes about when people stand up for what they believe in and against the prison system they do not want.


Shining Light in Dark Places

Shining Light in Dark Places

State-ism is a mind set that has been created by the wealthy few who own all the land, control all the worlds currencies, and control all significant corporations through stock shares, including energy, banking, and military cartels. Nothing has changed in over 2000 years since the founding of the Roman Empire; with the exception that the senators and politicians are no longer the elites themselves but paid puppets that allow the powerful few to retain their anonymity…thing is, we know who they are today, and very soon everyone will know who they are as the people of the World rise up and cast them out…it would be extremely wise of them to recognize that the global population is awake, and that their significance will only be a stain in future history books if they do not change their insane direction now…

Well of Souls

Well of Souls

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Inspiring Moments 02

Inspiring Moments

Inspiring Moments 01

Light manifests itself as joyful excitement in good deeds done and not of self-indulgence.

Video Link: Road to Camelot

For more great music by David & Diane Arkenstone, visit their official websites:

David Arkenstone – Official Website
Diane Arkenstone – Official Website


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Who Will Protect Us from the Police?

Who Will Protect Us from the Police? the pendulum begins swinging back through the buildings of fear that were erected by the jailers of men...the Fall of Rome will echo 10,000 fold and we, a species of Mother Earth, will return to community living, or we will perish behind the red tape of the bureaucratic police state.

Fading Days

The Future wistfully unveils itself in sunset skies, and washes the fading waves of melancholy from a million minds…

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Crystal Shard

The beginning of a novel I am working on: "The Crystal Shard"

By: Stewart Brennan

Surrounded by specks that mirrored and flashed the late afternoon sunlight, David Thomas sat there on a mound of dirt, digging, as if possessed by some inner knowledge for a forgotten treasure that lay hidden below this mountain of discarded rocks.

The cuts and scrapes on his fingers begged him to stop as he clawed at the layers of caked earth and sharp stones, but he was possessed by some blind intuition as if there was something there for him to find. As he dug, everything around him seemed to move in slow motion as distant memories shrouded in a dream like twilight played on his mind. One by one he recounted the series of events that connected him to this very moment, searching for some logical answer that put him in this place far from home. Every passing thought he recalled was somehow connected to this very moment. He felt dĂ©jĂ  vu by it…as if he had been here before.

Moving from one thought to another, connecting this moment, David found himself in the middle of a tall Black Pine forest north of Superior, surrounded by Earth’s natural energy, and his sense of purpose. Everything seemed in harmony here, and it soothed his soul to be there. The air was cool and fresh with only the sounds of the wind at his back that carried the cries of a few ravens, sparrows, and the occasional tappings of a woodpecker. Glancing up only once or twice, he looked like a lone wolf digging anxiously for something that eluded him under the mound of dirt and rock that only he could sense but not get at.

Then, as if two powerful magnets aligned, his fingers found the face of a smooth polished surface. Could this be what he had been looking for?

In an instant, as if all the surrounding energies merged with his, a burst of life cursed through David as he quickly pulled the shard up from the ground and brushed off the mud to reveal what looked like a dark piece of glass.

Moving quickly over to a bucket of water, he washed the remaining mud off of the smooth flat surface of his find and raised it above his head into the air to take a good look at it. As he slowly turned and angled the violet glass into the sun, it cast rays of light all over the ground that seemed to dance and move in rainbow colored patterns as he angled it back and forth. The triangular shaped shard was flat and smooth with two jagged edges as if it had been broken off a larger piece. The third edge was perfectly flat and cut at an angle.

Gazing at the crystals surface revealed what looked like an organized pattern inside. David raised the shard above his head once again and peered into the crystal through the sunlight to reveal what looked like a rainbow of floating orbs circling a smaller dark mass.

As the spectacle dancing before him engaged his thoughts, a bright warming light illuminated his face and a violet glow could be seen around the edges of the crystal. A calming flush of tranquility descended upon him and made him feel as if he was floating. The stinging pain in his fingers was suddenly gone, and for a moment he felt at peace within himself.

Pulling his gaze away, David put the shard into his shirt pocket. The moment felt so familiar, so distant, and yet, he knew he had found what he come here for.

To be Continued…

Prison Planet

Prison Planet

Indoctrination, the dark day arrives
to roll rocks up hill the rest of our lives
Sisyphean schools prepare all the slaves
demanding allegiance, straight to our graves.

Industrialization, hands of greed
furnace of fire, consumption of need
promised inclusion to a wealthy feast
plate of deceptions with mark of the beast.

A mortgage or lease to live on the land
the planet is owned, every grain of sand
all fancy jails, our homes on the earth
with labor enslaved by fires of hearth.

The work force beckons or death on the streets
no place to escape, it all just repeats
both forms of torture bring forth despair
and stress for survival where nobody cares.

Consumer engines speeds up production
with waste produced that brings our destruction
disposable things, expendable lives
with a failure at peak when it arrives.

Destructive system where you are not free
a garbage disposal on land and sea
with roads overheating as stress bears down
supply lines will break, the system will drown.

On governing tables, rules to ensure
all decided so the beast may endure
no changes permitted to ruling cast
a proclamation that is made to last.

A global warming, the blame is on you
not the system of growth owned by the few?
We’ve been here before as history recalls
excuses galore as the empire falls.

Humanity suffers, hangs from a vine
while grape picker taxes empty your stein
illusions are formed if you get ahead
all in reliance till system is dead.

There’s no escaping nor is there a vote
with castles of strife and oceans their moat
the system owns you, no matter your place
born into bondage is the human race.
Poem written (July 23rd, 2022)

Note: Sisyphus or Sisyphos, a king of Ephyra now known as Corinth was punished by Zeus for cheating death twice and forced him to roll an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll down every time it neared the top, repeating this action for eternity.

Through the classical influence on today’s so called, modern culture, tasks that are both laborious and futile are described as “Sisyphean” – (Sis-y-phe-an)

The official text on World History is nothing more than a long list of sickly achievements made by sociopathic monsters who aggrandize themselves by making sure they come off smelling like roses to the general population they are preying on. ~ Stewart Brennan

End of the Cycle

End of the Cycle

Saturday, September 29, 2012

New Beginnings

From Imagination to Creation, energy both positive and negative are unleashed to form new worlds.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

In Tranquil Moments 3

In Tranquil Moments

In Tranquil Moments 2

In Tranquil Moments

In Tranquil Moments, the Learning Begins

In Tranquil Moments, the Learning Begins

Cardinals greet the morning, 
embrace a stirring sigh, 
and sing aurora’s colors, 
that splash across the sky. 

Empaths wake in tether, 
from hamlets still unknown, 
sending reassurance, 
to prove you’re not alone. 

Fired skies expanding, 
awareness comes to life, 
soothing in a heartbeat, 
to take away the strife. 

Poetic words are gathered, 
by essence filled with light, 
holding eyes in wonder, 
restoring inner sight.
2nd Edit 2020 Dec12

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Spiritual Freedom

"Spiritual Freedom"

Globalization 2012

~ Destruction by Globalization ~


~ BIO-Fear ~
“Values Change for Survival” ~ Oren Lyons – Native American Faith Keeper

As the establishment continues down the current negative energy plain of greed and power, destruction will only multiply in scope and intensity to envelop the entire planet, and bring civilization to an end unless we change our values from negative to positive.

Since the establishment controls the direction of civilization and is unwilling to stop feeding off of negative energy, it will be up to as many of us as possible to change our own energy flow by stepping out of their system of controls to a way of life that is positive in all energy directions.

The race to destroy the planet will not stop unless the majority of people lift themselves out from under their establishment’s greedy negative energy mindset. This is the challenge to everyone on our planet today, and time is running out before all negative trends come together in a clash of war, civilization’s collapse, and death.

The more people that remain in the current pattern of negative energy, the quicker this time line will accelerate to its finality. Civilization is in decay because the foundations are based on lies, greed and power grabbing. It is not desirable to save this negative mathematical matrix of decay and yet when it does go down there will be a lot of pain. The question is will we survive and that depends on what the masses decide. If the majority of the Earths people choose to change their values from greed and lust for power to mutual cooperation and respect, we will change the direction of the negative to a positive in this mathematical matrix of life or death. It is entirely up to you what comes next. We need to change our reality…

Mindset’s and Habits Learned Early in Life

The negative energy matrix is extremely difficult to pull away from because we have been programmed from a very young age to embrace it and that there is no other way to live…but if we are going to save life on Earth, we need to use common sense and pull back from the direction of our collapsing society…Time is short now, as we see another war unfold before us…each individual must make a decision to break free from their fears and step away from the establishment’s economic system and program. Material things do not matter when health is at stake, only the positive energy of love can change the direction, so use this wisdom in your daily routines and repeat often so that it becomes a subconscious choice and direction.

Start interacting, communicating with each other and forming a social bond that helps you and your communities live without the monetary system or the programs that feed it.

Today’s system of government does not have the community’s survival at heart, they are concerned with maintaining a dying economic model and that brings with it all the wrong choices empowered by negative decisions and energy…it is doomed to fail.

Let go of your fears, and open your minds to positive energy and repeat mutual respect often until your subconscious mind is reprogrammed where decisions become instinct, all your internal battles will be won…replace the negative values with positive ones…

In Peace, Love, Empathy and Respect
Stewart Brennan

Wall Street 2012

~ Wall Street 2012 ~

On the Threshold of Dreams

"On the Threshold of Dreams"

Monday, September 17, 2012

St. Michael Slays the Demon

In the end of times, when a great distress flows through all nations to oppress the living and the dead, a great protector shall rise and show humanity how to slay their demons.

New Book - The Shard of Asclepius

The Activist Poet

Poetry & Prose

Best Rock Music of 2021

World United Music Promotions

Art & Expression of SF Brennan

Healthy Athletes and Heart Problems After Getting the Jab