Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Looming Year (2021)

The Looming Year (2021)

As the clocks tick down this fraudulent year,
governed media continues their fear,
corona virus is deadlier now,
confirmed by fraudulent tests somehow.

The P.C.R. test is a proven fake,
as told by the doctors who are awake,
yet still all government positions hold,
that lockdown is needed for common cold.

As the global lockdown then progresses,
governments pass new laws on excesses,
non essential items, like cloths and shoes,
are strictly forbidden, purchase refused.

Again, small business is under attack,
yet only a few have the will to Fight back,
because of the fines that governments impose,
are too damned expensive to pay or oppose.

A pretentious new strain called C twenty-one,
will play on your fears, a vicious rerun,
but what they want is to force you to take,
their deadly vaccines which are a mistake.

Inoculations that play with your genes,
to sterilize people with their vaccines,
or neural damage which can’t be reversed,
loading your body with toxins dispersed.

The crash is coming, been planned all along,
where they’ll take what you own, like Mao Zedong,
when everything stops, including the lines,
the shops and food stores will be in decline.

Around the whole world, the crash will take hold,
tensions will mount as depression unfolds,
the food that’s in export will not leave the docks,
unbalanced markets will bring down the stocks.

A plague of famine will then hit the earth,
their planning unfolds to show what you’re worth,
depopulation, controlled by a meme,
they’re playing God in this sinister scheme.

But even then, their lockdowns wont cease,
they’ll keep you locked up, enforced by police,
the beatings they render, fines they impose,
will hinder protests by all who oppose.

Business collusion will see your rights fade,
your freedoms will burn by censorships made,
and when they have won, you’ll be on your knees,
all because of a cough and a sneeze.

But there’s a solution, one we can make,
stand up and refuse their reckless mistakes,
refuse their vaccines, don’t make a deal,
take back control of the power they steal. 

The country is yours not some corporations,
stand up and fight and take back your nations,
restructure the lines that feed just the few,
and change all the laws to see it all through.

A critical time our countries do face,
its total destruction, that won’t leave a trace.
the future depends on what you will do,
think on it wisely for the days are but few.
The Activist Poet - (First Draft)

About this Poem: Speaks for itself...and most of the OECD world. 

Monday, December 28, 2020




I am the astral traveler,
a rebel just visiting here,
in a land of the unliving,
where community lives in fear.

I’m the minstrel of the music,
a curser of mainstream wrongs,
I cater to all the artists,
for their stories, their truth, their songs.

I bring tidings of a future,
I unlock secrets of the past,
I chip away at the torus,
that’s negative and meant to last.

I’m the minstrel of the forest,
I’m a rebel that sings the news,
I’m an outcast from foundations,
for I bring alternative views.
2nd Edit Sept 15th, 2021

About this Poem: “Minstral” is my online user or pen name which I’ve gone by for over 20 years and still use on platforms such as YouTube where my Music and News channel projects began in 2007. The name reflects my character which, like minstrels of old, share alternative news, views and poetic verse from their travels.

The internet and my own personal experience in life form this character, along with my music and news projects, “World United Music” and “World United News”.

I’m a modern day “Minstral” and activist, deeply emerged in the alternative news and music scenes where “World United Music” is my vat of songs and “World United News”, the information I bring with poetry as my interpretation and experience.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Book of Scars


The Book of Scars

Indoctrination, lies and masks,
firm endeavors complete their tasks,
all in place to preserve their throne,
a cancer cell that’s overgrown.

Their cloak has covered everything,
narrative, sin, and worshiping,
as watchful eyes record the crimes,
they lead us all to darker times.

The winds of change are made of rock,
thrown by hubris for their shock,
to start the wars which are so wrong,
that etch the scars six billion strong.

History speaks in black and white,
with grey zones hidden in plain sight,
a place where truth hides you can't see,
dark and whis-pry as meant to be.

But books of time turn yellow grey,
from acid fires of decay,
all records lost, by breach of trust,
worlds of illusion turned to dust.
The Activist Poet
2nd Edit March 10th, 2021

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Dystopian World

Dystopian World 

Klaus Schwab sits, like a spider on a web, 
spinning his reset, while spinning his head, 
a twenty first century fascist ploy, 
a new world order for the rich to enjoy. 

Their reset will come in several stages, 
setting man back to the new dark ages, 
from masks to lockdowns, vaccines for free, 
announced by government and mainstream marque. 

They’ll promise the world an eco reset, 
guaranteed income, no possession or debt, 
the world will magically return to green, 
everyone will live a life so serene. 

Vaccines hurried and forced on the nation, 
a tyrant rollout on the population, 
what could be in it for a cough and sneeze, 
that requires minus seventy degrees!? 

The masses believe whatever they’re told, 
so easy to feed and easy to mold, 
‘cause COVID lockdown was planned all along, 
where annual flu was played like mahjong. 

Dystopian world, you’ll be like a bot, 
nanite vaccines will be forced on the lot, 
fourth revolution a fusion of all, 
physical, digital, bio on call. 

Cyborg drones in perverse automation, 
life for an obedient population, 
bio identities all kept on file, 
all on the grid for their 5G trial. 

Just as everything begins to go live, 
the world’s population will then take a dive, 
their reset now working, our numbers descend, 
everything going as they did intend. 

Depopulation, their torus of ill, 
the masses obliged them with their free will, 
and those that are left will all bend their knees, 
enslaved forever, is humanity.
The Activist Poet

About this Poem: Klaus Schwab is the Founder of the World Economic Forum and is the author of the Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution where he claims we'll see “a fusion” of humans’ physical, digital and biological identity...which will begin to unfold in 2021.

Klaus Schwab – His Great Fascist Reset

Mahjong is an Ancient Chinese tile game

New Book - The Shard of Asclepius

The Activist Poet

Poetry & Prose

Best Rock Music of 2021

World United Music Promotions

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