Return to Sanity
Returning the World to sanity rests on an appeal to the intellect of all moral abiding citizens the World over, but especially to the people of the West, where pointing out different historical perspectives and facts to what really happened 100 plus years ago, will instigate real Historical revision and correct the error-filled history books that were written by the victors of war.
Human Industrial Civilization has arrived at a crossroads where we must collectively evolve past the belief that “economic” control by the few is the only answer and way of life. We will either have a massive intellectual awakening and call to action, or there will be a continuation towards our total destruction. Currently, these choices have been left in the hands of insane and incompetent leaders who prefer to impose sanctions, austerity and war on the people of the World rather than collaborating on real solutions to build a better World for all.
If we choose apathy and continue down paths chosen for us by this economic cartel, we will assure our own collective destruction and suicide…the choice is yours…