Western Politicians
I really don’t like politicians,
I think they’re all scum,
their lies, their graft and bullshit,
in the webs that they have spun.
They lie to you on cam’ra,
their elections are a ruse,
and when they come to power,
the dictators are let loose.
You cannot call them honest,
when the laws they pass are crimes,
instead, they work against you,
form the darkness of these times.
They’re willing puppets of the wealthy,
ilk that cast a siege,
the ones that take your freedoms,
with the proof now in decrees.
All hail those private pockets,
railroad the public more,
please gift them all our assets,
that leaves our country poor.
Board positions await them,
for every thieving favor,
and stock, well that’s a secret,
a present from the slaver.
Their service grants huge pensions,
of the likes we’ll never see,
it fortifies their mansions,
above the poverty.
The Activist Poet