Monday, May 18, 2015

Roads, Realms, and Journey’s

Roads, Realms, and Journey’s

Eyes close one last time, as I break free and float into a universe of darkness lit up by an infinite beacon that calls me home. Familiar roads lovingly embrace my being as shadows merge with light, revealing the silhouettes and foundations of the past that now open’s the door to my reconnection. The road home is lined by Columns of trees standing stoically like ancient philosophers contemplating the mysteries of the universe. Each experience of my past merges with a sea of consciousness as the burdens of life fall away to understanding, acceptance and a return to unity…I am home! 

This Photo and expression combine to entertain the thought that the Universe is a multi dimensional sea of consciousness with an infinite capacity of understanding. We living beings are each but a drop of water in an endless ocean of mind, born with a purpose to experience life and then transform back with our experiences to that higher state of consciousness that connects us all.

It follows the thought that there is no beginning or end, just a continuous transformation in the state of energy and consciousness.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

We Stand on Guard

We Stand on Guard

The sun rises on empty playgrounds in Eastern Ukraine, as the long shadows of night retreat from cities of broken dreams. Those that remain will fight to the last and protect their homes and families from the scourge of soulless monsters emerging from the gates of Kiev.

A nightmare descends upon the east in darkest clouds of insanity. A storm of bullets and bombs from overseas to uproot and shatter communities a thousand years old, depriving people of their right to exist.

The screeching rage of a diabolical new world monster lusts for empire and empowers its faithful greedy hordes with promises never meant to keep. A perverse and wicked neoteric Rome rises in the west with designs to rule the world.

The battle lines reach antediluvian empires, as Imperial malevolence is unleashed on the ancient cities in the middle world. Old diverse communities are denied their right of existence by the crimes of a sinister meme. The World has been set on fire for a pocket of gold…

However, evil is not unchallenged, as awareness flows through empathic vision to fill the ranks of those who uphold morality, freedom and justice. An army of the righteous rises, intent on securing the last lines of defense.

Prophetic text comes to pass by the sequence of demonic wars waged by an unholy western alliance who unleash their demonic terrorist armies on the people of Damascus, Yemen and Palestine. The cries of the besieged in turn release their grief in empathic call to humanity, sounding the alarm to come to their call.

Rise with us in brotherhood…

We rise and stand our ground…

“We Stand on Guard” brings to light the terrorist practices that Europe and North America have unleashed around the world. Direct Western association with brutal regimes, demonstrates their sadistic manner and objective of destroying all that do not do as they say. They would prefer to violently over throw a nations leadership and stick a puppet in place rather than building relations. Those that control the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe, spearhead the West’s economic and military aggression and have publicly stated their commitment to building for them, a New World Order which has now metastasized into the most brutal totalitarian dictatorship in History. This Evil Economic Empire, if you will, views itself above human rights and is determined to destroy all who seek their independence from it…one day they will go too far and launch world war III, that is unless enough people wake up in the west and push back…war is coming, and you will have to decide which side you are on…


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