Sunday, February 23, 2025

A Journey Through Power, Secrecy, And Intuition - Reader House Interview with SF Brennan


Hi everyone! Just dropping a little news.

Earlier this month, I was contacted by Readers House Magazine from London England for an in-depth author interview regarding my book, “The Shard of Asclepius”. The interview was a wonderful surprise for me, was conducted on a highly professional level and was chosen for their 49th online and physical edition for their prestigious literary magazine.

Readers House Magazine is considered to be London’s gateway to discovering today’s voices of literary excellence and celebrated authors. My interview is in very good company within the 49th edition of the magazine which includes a stellar line up of award winning, bestselling and indie authors including the Sunday Times bestselling author, Scott Mariani.

If you are looking for great stories, books and author’s, Readers House Magazine is where you can find them. So, I highly recommend visiting their online magazine editions to find out the best books and authors of the day.

To view the entire magazine issue # 49 and the exceptional authors within, click on the following link.

Reader’s House Magazine – Issue #49

My interview is on page 68 and 69 but I have also included the interview below for your convenience.

Here is that interview:

Readers House Magazine Interview – Stewart F. Brennan

Editor’s Desk – London

A Journey Through Power, Secrecy, And Intuition

Stewart F. Brennan discusses his debut novel, The Shard of Asclepius, blending ancient history, hermetic principles, and modern technology, while exploring themes of power, intuition, and humanity’s connection to nature.

Stewart F. Brennan is a name that resonates with intellectual depth and creative brilliance. A man of many talents, Brennan has seamlessly transitioned from a career as a lean manufacturing specialist and electrical engineer to becoming a celebrated author whose works challenge, inspire, and provoke thought. His journey from analysing corporate systems to exploring the mysteries of ancient history and the complexities of modern geopolitics is nothing short of remarkable. With a mind honed by critical thinking and a heart attuned to the rhythms of poetry and prose, Brennan has gifted readers with a body of work that is as diverse as it is profound.

His earlier series, The Activist Poet, showcased his ability to weave together poetry, political commentary, and prose into a tapestry of thought-provoking literature. Now, with his debut supernatural thriller, The Shard of Asclepius, Brennan has taken his storytelling to new heights. This action-packed novel masterfully blends ancient mysteries with high-tech intrigue, offering readers a gripping narrative that is as intellectually stimulating as it is thrilling. Set against the evocative backdrops of Quebec and New York State, the story delves into themes of hermetic principles, secrecy, and the balance of power, all while exploring the profound connection between humanity and nature.

Brennan’s ability to draw from his own life experiences—whether it’s his deep connection to the natural world, his fascination with ancient civilizations, or his expertise in electrical engineering—imbues his work with authenticity and depth. His creation of the shadowy Collective and the enigmatic Order of Hermes reflects a keen understanding of both historical and contemporary power structures, while his protagonist, David Collins, serves as a relatable figure for anyone who has ever experienced a profound awakening of the mind and soul.

In this exclusive interview, Stewart F. Brennan takes us behind the scenes of The Shard of Asclepius, sharing the inspirations, philosophies, and personal experiences that shaped his extraordinary debut novel. Prepare to be captivated by the insights of an author whose work not only entertains but also challenges us to see the world—and ourselves—in a new light.

“Stewart F. Brennan is a masterful storyteller whose profound insights and thrilling narratives captivate readers and challenge conventional thinking.” ~ Editor, Reader’s House

What inspired you to create the concept of the Collective and their shadowy control over society? Are they based on any real-world influences?

Born in 1960, I’ve seen and experienced, the rise of corporatocracy which is now prevalent throughout the western world. The concept of the Collective in the Shard of Asclepius is based on this model of dystopian economics where a powerful group holds the reigns of hundreds of corporations, banks and governments.

Decision making in this model comes from the top and makes its way down the chain of command much like a military organization. Yet, the real power in a corporation like this rest with the largest shareholder(s) whom make the final decisions on the business direction. Those decisions are based on its annual growth target, regardless of how immoral the path to achieving their goal is.

Examples can be seen through the weapons companies that prosper on war or the pharmaceutical industry that prospers on illness. These are some of the largest companies in the world. They are too big to fail while their growth requirements are exponential. There is no off switch and so they need to expand their footprint constantly or experience decline.

To thrive, both examples also require ignorance of the population. In this context, the multi-national commands political influence, has intelligence services or insiders working for them and have their people within the media and justice system. It is very much like a parasite or a cancer.

So, in a nutshell, that is where the concept of the Collective comes from.

“The concept of the Collective in The Shard of Asclepius is based on the model of dystopian economics.” ~ Stewart F. Brennan

How did you develop the character of David Collins? Is he inspired by someone you know or perhaps aspects of yourself?

In many ways, David Collins is me. He’s made from some of the experiences I have gone through in life but he also stands as a composite figure for those that have experienced a mind and soul awakening. Thus, his character can be identified by many people.

The Order of Hermes plays a significant role in the story. What research or mythology influenced your portrayal of this secret organization?

In short, the influence for the Order of Hermes comes out of the Ptolemaic history in Egypt and its role in building the great library of the old world in Alexandria.

The Order of Hermes follows hermeticism which centers around the works of Hermes Trismegistus, the Greek version of the Egyptian deity Thoth who was responsible for the regeneration of humanity after a major cataclysm on earth destroyed the ancient world.

So, in reality, the influence for the Order of Hermes is born out of the connection between Ptolemaic Egypt and the mythical keepers of the ancient knowledge of Egypt.

The story takes place across Quebec and New York State. Why did you choose these locations, and how do they contribute to the narrative?

I’ve lived in and around southern Quebec for most of my life and spent a lot of time touring Ontario and New York state. These places hold special memories and deep-rooted natural connections for me. The Shard of Asclepius not only centers on earth’s ancient past, but also on old ways of thought. Nature becomes the key in rediscovering old ways of thought for David.

“David Collins is me… a composite figure for those that have experienced a mind and soul awakening.” ~ Stewart F. Brennan

There is a magic in nature that connects us to a greater consciousness. Something that I personally experienced many times over the years in the forests and waterways of Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia. Having a connection with nature, I believe, is an integral part of trying to understand who we are and our role here on earth.

It is also part of the hermetic experience, of inner knowledge and intuition. So, I included some of the places I was familiar with for reasons of natural connection and the concealed theme, which is, healing.

What inspired you to blend ancient mysteries with high-tech intrigue in “The Shard of Asclepius,” and how did your background in electrical engineering and history influence the story?

When studying ancient places across the world, such as in Egypt, it became clear to me that the builders of the pyramids and the many temples across Egypt could not have been made without possessing highly advanced technology. There is suppression of this fact that is just as mysterious as the megalithic structures and stone artifacts themselves.

By comparison, I have studied electrical engineering and seen the rapid advances in digital electronics over the past two decades that have gone from a very simplistic core of binary numbering systems and programming for toys and computers, to Artificial intelligence and drone warfare.

Electrical advances in communication have also become invasive of our personal privacy and so the contrast between a technocratic prison verses personal freedom becomes a serious question for this day and age

I wrote both old and new worlds into the story to bring attention to these very real scenarios.

The novel explores themes like Hermetic principles, secrecy, and the balance of power. What message or reflection do you hope readers take away from these elements in the book?

The world today is ego and greed driven which is the complete opposite of where we should be going. In a way, the story is a reminder that there is another way to live.

As mentioned, there are elements within the book that speak directly to one’s conscious spirit. Nature provides the greatest example of this because it speaks to the individual at a conscious level, which is something many of us have been disconnected from.

Intuition plays a role in everyone’s lives. There is a knowledge within that is not book knowledge (episteme), but a conscious understanding of things; a gnosis or an intuitive knowledge of spiritual truth. Most people can identify with this but do not practice it. Therefore, the message I hope people take away from the story is to trust in intuition. Don’t be afraid to live your life or be afraid to express your point of view regardless of how stacked the pressures are against you. There are always people who see things the way you do. Those people are your tribe and will appear in your life when you begin to express yourself truthfully. You are not alone and there is a new horizon just waiting for you.

Where can someone buy the book?

The book is available to purchase world wide at all major and minor stores. Here are just a few links but you should be able to find it wherever books are sold:

Barnes & Noble



Friesen Press



For more information on the Book and Author Stewart F. Brennan visit his official website.

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Shard of Asclepius and New Horizons


Hello everyone,

Just a note to bring you up to speed with this blog and this crazy journey I'm on.

Over the past two decades, I’ve juggled my time and energy populating five different blogs containing alternative news, music, economics, political activism and creative passions while also supporting hundreds of artists, activists and alternative news journalists. I did so because those I supported, offered something that mainstream did not.

The goal of my past efforts has been to show, with proof, that there were other sides to a story, and of course, better music offered by artists not in the mainstream spotlight, while I also shared my opinions, research and creative inspirations such as those displayed on this blog.

This blog was a place for me to express my feelings but especially my discontent with the way the world was heading. In doing so, I eventually combined my Geo-political and Geo-economic observations with my societal discontent and my poetry into a three-book series, titled, “The Activist Poet - Vol 1, Vol 2 & Vol 3” hoping that they would help awaken a population that was sleep walking into a consolidated economic tyranny and another World War. These books remain my testament to truth against powerful western propaganda and censorship.

The Message

My message has always been, that there is a better way to live on this planet than the way in which we are living right now. The world I believe in, is a world that is inclusive for all and not just for the privileged few…of course, I was censored just like the thousands of concerned online journalists and artists trying to make the world a better place.

So, due to massive online censorship of this blog and important voices, I have taken the next step forward in my quest to make the world a better place and written a science fiction / supernatural thriller called, “The Shard of Asclepius”.

The following quote by Gao Xingjian reflects my belief and why I wrote a book of fiction.

Quote: “It's in literature that true life can be found. It's under the mask of fiction that you can tell the truth.” ~ Gao Xingjian ~

I have hope that many people will see and read this intriguing book, “The Shard of Asclepius”, but it’s virtually impossible to get the book populated on mainstream bookstore shelves, even though it’s available online through Ingram's global network of book sellers. As an independent author, I need your help.

My book is on the Indigo, Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites but in order to get the book seen by the public, I need my supporters to go to those websites, rate the book, buy a copy from them and maybe leave a review of the book. It helps move the book into attention. Books that are not supported by a major publisher or large online community, are not visible to the public and so an independent author such as myself relies on friends and community for support.

I’ve also created a new website which will be dedicated to all the books I publish as an author going forward. Here is the link to my new website.

Official website of Stewart F Brennan

To the people I’ve supported and / or the people who’ve visited and supported my blogs in the past, thank you! I hope you will also follow me on this next step of my journey.

Here is a short video trailer for my book, “The Shard of Asclepius”. Please consider visiting my new website to find out more about the book and then consider sharing the link with your network of friends. Thanks for taking the time to read this blog post and for your support! I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great week!


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Internal Rhythms


Internal Rhythms

Mysterious realms of time and space
stretch before my glowing eyes
fraught in shades of anticipation
and brilliant streams of gold,
where future crests the heavens,
make ready to unfold,
while rhythms beat with every step
in fluttering light foretold.

Image created Stewart Brennan with A.I. image generator model DALL-E3 on BING

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Time Well Spent

Time Well Spent

Deep inside a book of dreams
where calm holds the river back,
candles grace the hourglass sand
while consciousness grows.

Knowledge over time, enlightens us.

Brevity included in my second Book: The Activist Poet – Volume 2

Digital Image created by Stewart Brennan on Night Café

Universal Space


Universal Space

Cosmos of eternal realms,
a universe in space,
merging conscious beings,
in natural embrace.

Image created by Stewart Brennan on Night Café

Monday, May 20, 2024




I am fire on wings,
terror to tyrant kings,
I am storm born, lightning’s flair,
the soul’s protector n’ heir;
prophesized with a mark,
bright fire in the dark.
I am the watcher of skies,
an oracle to the wise,
a hush of screams,
the voice in dreams
the mysterious state
that carries your fate.
I am times endless sea,
I am prophesy.

Image created by Stewart Brennan on AI platform Night Café

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Spiritual Home


Image generated on Night Café Studios by SF Brennan

Spiritual Home

The greatest spirit,
provider of life,
bedrock of our existence,
foundation of our birth,
you are the universe and beginning,
the mother we call earth.

NOTE: Evolved from brevity Poem “Home”

Stepping through the Nightmare


The image was generated on Night Café Studios using the words below

Stepping through the Nightmare

Howling winds whistle
through windows in my dreams.
They carry peaceful thoughts
that come behind the screams.
Urging to move forward
through shadows pale thick.
While crossing every boundary
of the lunatic.

NOTE: The first stanza in poem "Connections Far Away" is used here as a brevity with a new title.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Prescient Eyes in Time


Image created by SFBrennan on the Night Café Website  

Prescient Eyes in Time

Time beams from experienced eyes,
that mirror from departed souls,
those cusps of what’s about to come,
a prophesy they foretold.

“Awake now brother, to the fore,
take care of your mother and child,
the enemy’s come to take them,
your livelihood, land and wild.”

I’ve heard these words, they’ve gathered dust,
jumped atmospheres to this day,
familiar voices from my dreams,
returns and holds me in their sway.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024



A.I. Generated Image of the Eclipse

Eclipse April 8th, 2024

In Montreal, they chem-trailed the skies to try and block out the sun. However, it didn't work as it added to the effect which produced a large sundog (a large ring of fire). At the center of the sundog was the eclipse and within the ring of the sundog was a shadow that filled the larger circle. as the light began to fade, a flock of seagulls circled under the sun / moon, gliding in circles under it, calling out in their wails. When the eclipse was full, it produced a pinkish red glow and you could see the stars as the light of the sun was extinguished by the moon. A very cool effect. I don't know about anyone else, but I felt a sea of humanity in joy watching this event...could literally feel the excitement in the air and in my mind...our connection to each other.

New Book - The Shard of Asclepius

The Activist Poet

Poetry & Prose

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